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Our Gorgeous Bella Debutante's​

Gabby Gibbons and Caleb Reid

September 2019

"It was with my best mate. Hair and makeup was sensational, friends and family came together and made mine and his night spectacular.....wouldn't have traded such a great night, sharing and making memories with the other debutantes who have now become amazing friends."

Bronte Lee and Thomas Taylor

September 2019

"I can't stress enough how amazing my night was! I will never forget it! 

At first I was very nervous about the dances and being able to remember them but a huge round of applause to Bron and Tash for their hours of commitment and training they gave us, even when we were not the best of kids at times. On the night of the deb I was as nervous as anything but Bron and Tash were there right by our sides ensuring us it was going to be ok and just dance like no-ones we did! 

It was one of the best nights of my life and I will never forget it."

Nikola Ward   & Jarrod Irving

September 2019

"My Deb experience was amazing! Everything was organised and ran accordingly to plan. The dance trainer was well organised and put together amazing dances for us to present on the night. The part I loved the most about the deb was getting up and doing all the dances. It was good to show off to everyone the dances we learnt in such a short amount of time."

Gerty Balbao and Hugo Howe

September 2019

"Deb was amazing! One of the best nights I've had. The dance teacher was lovely which made it fun to learn the dances!! The decorations were so pretty and the people who helped make the night possible were really friendly! I definitely recommend doing the deb with them if you want to have some fun with your friends and family. 

Also getting glammed up for the night was so much fun!"

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